The story takes place in Nikko city, Tochigi Prefecture, where girls aim for the top of the world through ice hockey. Local junior high school student Manaka and her younger sister Ayaka, whom she forcibly invited, hit the gate of first-hand experience with ice hockey, held by the Nikko-based team Dream Monkeys. The two are joined by their childhood friends Kaoruko and Mami. As the girls practice, they become fascinated with ice hockey and eventually join the team. Translator: KonotedeTranslator Checker: KonotedePenata Rias: KonotedeKaraoker Lyric: -Encode & Upload: Konotede
- 480p:124mb Mirrorcreator | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Clicknupload
- 720p:185mb Mirrorcreator | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Clicknupload
- 1080p: 303mb Mirrorcreator | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Clicknupload
Episode 01 [Reupload]
x264- 480p:86mb Mirrorcreator | Googledrive | Zippyshare | Clicknupload
- 720p:130mb Mirrorcreator | Googledrive | Zippyshare | Clicknupload
- 1080p: 226mb Mirrorcreator | Googledrive | Zippyshare | Clicknupload
Episode 01
x264- 480p:85mb Mirrorcreator | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Clicknupload
- 720p:128mb Mirrorcreator | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Clicknupload
- 1080p: 241mb Mirrorcreator | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Clicknupload