Based on a world-famous action RPG set in an open world, Dragon's Dogma from Capcom will be brought to life as a Netflix original anime series. The story follows a man's journey seeking revenge on a dragon who stole his heart. On his way, the man is brought back to life as an "Arisen." An action adventure about a man challenged by demons who represent the seven deadly sins of humans. Translator: KonotedeTranslator Checker: KonotedeKaraoker Lyric: -Encode Upload: Konotede
- 480p:83mb Mirrorcreator | Googledrive | Zippyshare | Clicknupload
- 720p:143mb Mirrorcreator | Googledrive | Zippyshare | Clicknupload
Episode 01 [Versi Haram]
x264- 480p:86mb Mirrorcreator | Googledrive | Zippyshare | Clicknupload
- 720p:148mb Mirrorcreator | Googledrive | Zippyshare | Clicknupload
Episode 02 [Versi Haram]
x264- 480p:86mb Mirrorcreator | Googledrive | Zippyshare | Clicknupload
- 720p:149mb Mirrorcreator | Googledrive | Zippyshare | Clicknupload
Episode 03 [Versi Haram]
x264- 480p:108mb Mirrorcreator | Googledrive | Zippyshare | Clicknupload
- 720p:187mb Mirrorcreator | Googledrive | Zippyshare | Clicknupload
Episode 04 [Versi Haram]
x264- 480p:102mb Mirrorcreator | Googledrive | Zippyshare | Clicknupload
- 720p:314mb Mirrorcreator | Googledrive | Zippyshare | Solidfiles
Episode 05 [Versi Haram]
x264- 480p:132mb Mirrorcreator | Googledrive | Zippyshare | Solidfiles
- 720p:172mb Mirrorcreator | Googledrive | Zippyshare | Solidfiles
Episode 06 [Versi Haram]
x264- 480p:267mb Mirrorcreator | Googledrive | Zippyshare | Solidfiles
- 720p:369mb (Reupload) Mirrorcreator | Googledrive | Zippyshare | Solidfiles