// Configurable variables var folderId = '############################'; // The folder ID (everything after the 'folders/' portion of the URL). var searchDepthMax = 100; // Max depth for recursive search of files and folders var listFiles = true; // flag for listing files var cacheTimeout = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // set cache time-out var lockWaitTime = 1 * 60 * 1000; // set maximium watiting time for the cache lock var appendToSheet = false; // flag for appending to selected spreadsheet var writeBatchSize = 100; // the write batch size
// =========================================================================================================== // Global variables var cacheOutputs = 'InventoryScript_outputs'; var cacheKillFlag = 'InventoryScript_killFlag';
// =========================================================================================================== // Reset the script cache if it is required to run from the beginning function reset() { SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Reseting script...', 'Status', -1); // reset triggers and delete cache variables setKillFlag_(true, this.cacheTimeout); deleteTriggers_(this.loopResetGapTime); deleteCache_(); SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Reset is complete!', 'Status', -1); }
// =========================================================================================================== // List all folders and files, then write into the current spreadsheet. function run() { SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Executing script...', 'Status', -1); // load cache setKillFlag_(false, this.cacheTimeout); var outputRows = getCache_(this.lockWaitTime); // get list if (outputRows === undefined || outputRows === null || outputRows[0] === undefined || outputRows[0] === null) { outputRows = []; outputRows = getChildFiles_(null, DriveApp.getFolderById(this.folderId), listFiles, cacheTimeout, outputRows); outputRows = getFolderTree_(outputRows, this.folderId, this.listFiles, this.cacheTimeout, this.lockWaitTime, this.searchDepthMax); } // write list writeFolderTree_(outputRows, this.appendToSheet); SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Execution is complete!', 'Status', -1); }
// =========================================================================================================== // Get the list of folders and files function getFolderTree_(outputRows, folderId, listFiles, cacheTimeout, lockWaitTime, searchDepthMax) { var parentFolder, sheet = null; var searchDepth = -1; try { // Get folder by id parentFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId); // Initialise the spreadsheet sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); // Get files and/or folders outputRows = getChildFolders_(searchDepth, parentFolder.getName(), parentFolder, sheet, listFiles, cacheTimeout, lockWaitTime, outputRows, searchDepthMax); } catch (e) { SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Timed out!', 'Status', -1); } return outputRows; }
// =========================================================================================================== // Write the list of folders and files into the spreadsheet function writeFolderTree_(outputRows, appendToSheet) { var sheet = null; try { if (getKillFlag_() === false) { // Initialise the spreadsheet sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); // Write to the selected spreadsheet writeOutputs_(sheet, outputRows, appendToSheet); // reset cache reset(); } } catch (e) { SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Timed out!', 'Status', -1); } }
// =========================================================================================================== // Get the list of folders and files and their metadata using a recursive loop function getChildFolders_(searchDepth, parentFolderName, parentFolder, sheet, listFiles, cacheTimeout, lockWaitTime, outputRows, searchDepthMax) { var childFolders = parentFolder.getFolders(); var childFolder = null; searchDepth += 1; try{ // List sub-folders inside the folder while (childFolders.hasNext() && searchDepth < searchDepthMax && getKillFlag_() === false) { childFolder = childFolders.next(); SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Searching folder ' + childFolder.getName() + ' at depth ' + searchDepth + " ...", 'Status', -1); // Get folder information // Logger.log("Folder Name: " + childFolder.getName()); outputRows.push([ parentFolderName + "/" + childFolder.getName(), childFolder.getName(), "Folder", childFolder.getDateCreated(), childFolder.getUrl(), childFolder.getLastUpdated(), childFolder.getDescription(), childFolder.getSize(), childFolder.getOwner().getEmail(), childFolder.getSharingPermission(), childFolder.getSharingAccess() //, '=HYPERLINK("' + childFile.getUrl() + '", IMAGE("' + Drive.Files.get(childFolder.getId()).thumbnailLink + '",1))' //The 'Drive service' is a G-Suite service (commercial service) ]); // cache outputs setCache_(outputRows, lockWaitTime, cacheTimeout); // List files inside the folder outputRows = getChildFiles_( parentFolder, childFolder, listFiles, cacheTimeout, outputRows); // Recursive call of the current sub-folder outputRows = getChildFolders_(searchDepth++, parentFolderName + "/" + childFolder.getName(), childFolder, sheet, listFiles, cacheTimeout, lockWaitTime, outputRows, searchDepthMax); } } catch (e) { Logger.log('Timed out: Restarting! ' + e.toString()); SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast( 'Timed out!', 'Status', -1); } // cache outputs setCache_(outputRows, lockWaitTime, cacheTimeout); return outputRows; }
// =========================================================================================================== // Get the list of files in the selected folder function getChildFiles_(parentFolder, childFolder, listFiles, cacheTimeout, outputRows) { var childFiles = childFolder.getFiles(); var childFile = null; var path = "" try{ // List files inside the folder while (listFiles && childFiles.hasNext()) { childFile = childFiles.next(); // derive path if (parentFolder === null){ path = childFolder.getName() + "/" + childFile.getName() }else{ path = parentFolder.getName() + "/" + childFolder.getName() + "/" + childFile.getName() } // Get file information //Logger.log("File Name: " + childFile.getName()); outputRows.push([ path, childFile.getName(), childFile.getName().split('.').pop(), childFile.getDateCreated(), childFile.getUrl(), childFile.getLastUpdated(), childFile.getDescription(), childFile.getSize(), childFile.getOwner().getEmail(), childFile.getSharingPermission(), childFile.getSharingAccess() //, '=HYPERLINK("' + childFile.getUrl() + '", IMAGE("' + Drive.Files.get(childFile.getId()).thumbnailLink + '",1))' //The 'Drive service' is a G-Suite service (commercial service) ]); }
// cache outputs setCache_(outputRows, lockWaitTime, cacheTimeout); } catch (e) { Logger.log('Timed out: Restarting! ' + e.toString()); SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Timed out!', 'Status', -1); } return outputRows; }
// =========================================================================================================== // Get the values from cache function setCache_(outputRows, lockWaitTime, cacheTimeout) { try{ var cache = CacheService.getScriptCache(); var lock = LockService.getScriptLock(); lock.waitLock(lockWaitTime); cache.put(cacheOutputs, JSON.stringify(outputRows), cacheTimeout); lock.releaseLock(); } catch (e) { Logger.log('Timed out: Restarting! ' + e.toString()); SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Timed out!', 'Status', -1); } }
// =========================================================================================================== // Set the values in cache function getCache_(lockWaitTime) { try{ var outputRows = []; var cache = CacheService.getScriptCache(); var lock = LockService.getScriptLock(); lock.waitLock(lockWaitTime); outputRows = JSON.parse(cache.get(cacheOutputs)); if (outputRows === undefined || outputRows === null || outputRows[0] === undefined || outputRows[0] === null) { outputRows = JSON.parse(cache.get(cacheOutputs)); } lock.releaseLock(); } catch (e) { SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Timed out!', 'Status', -1); } return outputRows; }
// =========================================================================================================== // Write outputs to the selected spreadsheet function writeOutputs_(sheet, outputRows, appendToSheet) { try{ var range, rowStart, indexStart, indexEnd = null; var headerRow = ["Full Path", "Name", "Type", "Date", "URL", "Last Updated", "Description", "Size", "Owner", "Sharing Permission", "Sharing Access"]; //, "Thumbnail"]; SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Writing outputs...', 'Status', -1); if (sheet !== null && outputRows.length > 0) { if (appendToSheet === false) { sheet.clear(); sheet.appendRow(headerRow); rowStart = 2; } else { rowStart = getRowsFilled_(sheet, "A1:A") + 1; } indexStart = 0; indexEnd = Math.min(writeBatchSize, outputRows.length); while (indexStart < outputRows.length) { range = sheet.getRange(rowStart + indexStart, 1, indexEnd - indexStart, headerRow.length); range.setValues(outputRows.slice(indexStart, indexEnd)); a = outputRows.slice(indexStart, indexEnd); indexStart = indexEnd; indexEnd = Math.min(indexStart + writeBatchSize, outputRows.length); } range = sheet.getRange(getRowsFilled_(sheet, "A1:A") + 1, 1, 1, 1); range.setValues([["End of List!"]]); } } catch (e) { SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Timed out!', 'Status', -1); } }
// =========================================================================================================== // Get number of rows filled in the selected spreadsheet function getRowsFilled_(sheet, selectedRange) { var selectedMatrix = sheet.getRange(selectedRange).getValues(); return selectedMatrix.filter(String).length; }
// =========================================================================================================== // Delete the global cache function deleteCache_() { try{ var cache = CacheService.getScriptCache(); var lock = LockService.getScriptLock(); lock.waitLock(this.lockWaitTime); cache = CacheService.getScriptCache(); cache.remove(cacheOutputs); lock.releaseLock(); } catch (e) { Logger.log('Failed to delete cache! ' + e.toString()); SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Failed to delete cache! Try again in a few minutes.'); } }
// =========================================================================================================== // Delete triggers function deleteTriggers_() { var triggers = ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers(); try{ for (var i = 0; i < triggers.length; i++) { if (triggers[i].getHandlerFunction() === "run") { ScriptApp.deleteTrigger(triggers[i]); } } } catch (e) { Logger.log('Failed to delete triggers! ' + e.toString()); SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Failed to delete triggers! Try again in a few minutes.'); } }
// =========================================================================================================== // Set kill flag function setKillFlag_(state, cacheTimeout) { var lock = LockService.getScriptLock(); try{ lock.waitLock(this.lockWaitTime); cache = CacheService.getScriptCache(); cache.put(cacheKillFlag, state, cacheTimeout); lock.releaseLock(); } catch (e) { SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Failed to set kill flag! Try again in a few minutes.'); } }
// =========================================================================================================== // Get kill flag function getKillFlag_() { killFlag = false; try { cache = CacheService.getScriptCache(); //lock.waitLock(this.lockWaitTime); killFlag = cache.get(cacheKillFlag) === 'true'; //lock.releaseLock(); } catch (e) { SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Failed to set kill flag! Try again in a few minutes.'); } return killFlag; }